Page 7 A
1. windshield 6. gas tank
2. hood 7. steering wheel
3. headlight 8. dashboard
4. bumper 9. glove compartment
5. trunk 10. automatic transmission
Page 8 B
1. must give me your homework on time
2. should read every night
3. shouldn’t study just before tests
4. should study every day
5. must not talk in class
6. must take three tests
7. shouldn’t worry
8. should ask me for help
Page 9 C
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. You shouldn’t drive recklessly and dangerously. You should show some concern for other drivers and for me!
2. You must pass cars on the left. That’s the law.
3. You shouldn’t drive too fast. You must obey the speed limit.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. A good driver must stop at stop signs.
2. A good driver must obey all trafc signs.
3. A good driver must not pass on the right.
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
1. A good driver should slow down.
2. A good driver shouldn’t talk on a cell phone.
3. A good driver should watch the other cars carefully.
Page 10 F
1. slowly 3. hard 5. properly
2. fast 4. dangerously; recklessly
Ex g
1.The students are here because they drive dangerously.
2. I’m here because I drive slowly.
3. But he drives fast.
4. I like to do everything properly.
5. So I work hard in this class.
6. I’ve learned that driving slowly isn’t the same thing as driving carefully.
Page 11 H
1. He ran a red light, and he ran a stop sign.
2. A car with a teenager driving with friends is less safe.
3. Teenagers are too young to drive. Teenagers are new drivers.
4. At frst, the teenager must drive with an adult.
Page 12 I
Answers will vary. Sample answers:
Things a Good Driving Instructor Should/Shouldn’t Do
should be calm
shouldn’t talk on the phone
Things a Good Driving Instructor Must/Must Not Do
must know the trafc laws mustn’t break the law
Answer will vary. Sample answer:
What Makes a Good Driving Instructor?
A driving instructor is an important job. A good driving instructor should be calm and should be patient with the driving student. Also, a good driving instructor shouldn’t talk on a cell phone in the car. That is not a good example for the student. A good driving instructor must know the driving laws and mustn’t break those laws.
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