الخميس، 23 أكتوبر 2014

More 2

Ex (A) p:69

1-last year
Two years ago

2-in 2000
On Monday
14 years ago
(Write your own answer)

3-last night
This morning

4-at 8 p.m
At 3:30 a.m

5- 3 weeks ago

6-when i was 8

7-when i was 6

8-in 2012

9-in the 18th century

10-in 1926
On Thursday

Ex: B page : 69

1-Beijing hosted the summer olympics in 2012.
2-We wrote a math test the day before yesterday.
3-Fahd graduated from the university when he was 23.
4-Ali was sick so he didn't go to class this morning.
5-Mona started working as a teacher ten years ago.
6-people didn't use to drive cars in the 19th century
7-my parents bought me a cell phone last week.
8-I made new friends when I started high school.

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