الخميس، 30 أبريل 2015

Worksheet , Grammar , Unit 5

Exercise 1
Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense
1. If I ………………………. (finish) early , I will call you.
2. She will know the answer if she …………………………(try) to understand.
3.If you press that button , the light …………………..(come) on.
4.If she …………………..(go) on a boat, she always feels sick. ___________________________________________________________     Unit (5) Making Choices Grammar :
Conditional sentences
Exercise 2 Choose:
1.If the weather is fine , we (go - went - will go ) on a picnic.
2.If I ( go - went - will go ) to Paris , I will visit the Eiffel Tower.
3.If he ( gets - got - will get) my email. He will send the information we need.
4.If I ( have - had - will have ) enough time this evening , I will watch a movie.
5.His mother ( get - gets - got ) annoyed if he is late.
6.If I ( doesn't- don't- didn't ) know a word, I look in my dictionary.
7.They play football if they ( doesn't - don't - didn't )have any homework.
8.It is easier to sleep if you ( weren't - aren't - wasn't ) stressed.

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